53 research outputs found

    Localization of pain-related brain activation: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging data

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    A meta-analysis of 140 neuroimaging studies was performed using the activation-likelihood-estimate (ALE) method to explore the location and extent of activation in the brain in response to noxious stimuli in healthy volunteers. The first analysis involved the creation of a likelihood map illustrating brain activation common across studies using noxious stimuli. The left thalamus, right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), bilateral anterior insulae, and left dorsal posterior insula had the highest likelihood of being activated. The second analysis contrasted noxious cold with noxious heat stimulation and revealed higher likelihood of activation to noxious cold in the subgenual ACC and the amygdala. The third analysis assessed the implications of using either a warm stimulus or a resting baseline as the control condition to reveal activation attributed to noxious heat. Comparing noxious heat to warm stimulation led to peak ALE values that were restricted to cortical regions with known nociceptive input. The fourth analysis tested for a hemispheric dominance in pain processing and showed the importance of the right hemisphere, with the strongest ALE peaks and clusters found in the right insula and ACC. The fifth analysis compared noxious muscle with cutaneous stimuli and the former type was more likely to evoke activation in the posterior and anterior cingulate cortices, precuneus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and cerebellum. In general, results indicate that some brain regions such as the thalamus, insula and ACC have a significant likelihood of activation regardless of the type of noxious stimuli, while other brain regions show a stimulus-specific likelihood of being activated. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Pain in the newborn brain: a neural signature

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    The roles of the somatosensory cortices in the perception of noxious and innocuous stimuli

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    Résumé Les premières études électrophysiologiques et anatomiques ont établi le rôle crucial du cortex somatosensoriel primaire et secondaire (SI et SII) dans le traitement de l'information somatosensorielle. Toutefois, les récentes avancées en techniques d’imagerie cérébrale ont mis en question leur rôle dans la perception somatosensorielle. La réorganisation du cortex somatosensoriel est un phénomène qui a été proposé comme cause de la douleur du membre fantôme chez les individus amputés. Comme la plupart des études se sont concentrées sur le rôle du SI, une étude plus approfondie est nécessaire. La présente série d'expériences implique une exploration du rôle des régions somatosensorielles dans la perception des stimuli douleureux et non-douleureux chez des volontaires sains et patients avec des douleurs de membre fantôme. La première étude expérimentale présentée dans le chapitre 3 est une méta-analyse des études de neuro-imagerie employant des stimuli nociceptifs chez des volontaires sains. En comparaison aux précédentes, la présente étude permet la génération de cartes quantitatives probabilistes permettant la localisation des régions activées en réponse à des stimuli nociceptifs. Le rôle du cortex somatosensoriel dans la perception consciente de stimuli chauds a été étudié dans le chapitre 4 grâce à une étude d'imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle, dans laquelle des stimuli thermiques douloureux et non-douloureux ont été administrés de manière contrebalancée. Grâce à cette procédure, la perception de la chaleur fut atténuée par les stimuli douloureux, ce qui permit la comparaison des stimuli consciemment perçus avec ceux qui ne le furent pas. Les résultats ont montrés que les stimulations chaudes perçues ont engendré l’activation de l’aire SI controlatérale, ainsi que de la région SII. Grâce à l’évaluation clinique de patients amputés présentant une altération de leurs perceptions somatosensorielles, il est également possible de dessiner un aperçu des régions corticales qui sous-tendent ces modifications perceptuelles. Dans le chapitre 5 nous avons émis l'hypothèse proposant que les sensations du membre fantôme représentent un corrélat perceptuel de la réorganisation somatotopique des représentations sensorielles corticales. En effet, la réorganisation des sensations peut donner des indices sur les régions impliquées dans la genèse des sensations référées. Ainsi, un protocole d’évaluation sensoriel a été administré à un groupe de patients affligés de douleur au niveau du membre fantôme. Les résultats ont montré que, contrairement aux études précédentes, les sensations diffèrent grandement selon le type et l'intensité des stimuli tactiles, sans évidence de la présence d’un modèle spatialement localisé. Toutefois, les résultats actuels suggèrent que les régions corticales à champs récepteurs bilatéraux présentent également des modifications en réponse à une déafférentation. Ces études présentent une nouvelle image des régions corticales impliquées dans la perception des stimuli somatosensoriels, lesquelles comprennent les aires SI et SII, ainsi que l'insula. Les résultats sont pertinents à notre compréhension des corrélats neurologiques de la perception somatosensorielle consciente.Abstract Early anatomical and single-unit recording studies established a crucial role for the primary and secondary somatosensory cortices (SI & SII) in processing somatosensory information. However, recent advances in brain imaging and analysis techniques have called into question their role in somatosensation. Findings from this recent research are relevant to the study of the reorganizational changes occurring in the somatosensory cortices that have been causally linked to the genesis of pain in amputee patients. These patients continue to perceive and experience pain in the absent limb, which is usually referred to as phantom-limb pain; but little research on this phenomenon has focused on other regions outside SI, and further study is needed. The present series of experiments involve an exploration of the roles of the somatosensory cortices in the perception of noxious and innocuous tactile stimuli in healthy volunteers and patients with phantom-limb pain. The first experimental study in Chapter 3 is a meta-analytic review of neuroimaging studies examining noxious stimuli evoked activation in healthy volunteers. In comparison to previous reviews that have merely reported the prevalence of pain-related activation, the present study yields quantitative probabilistic maps that permit localization of the likelihood of obtaining activation in response to noxious stimuli within any brain region. The role of the somatosensory cortices in the conscious perception of brief warm stimuli was explored in Chapter 4 using functional magnetic resonance imaging, where noxious and innocuous thermal stimuli were counterbalanced within the experimental protocol. This procedure allowed a gating of the somatosensory system in which the perception of warm stimuli was attenuated by painful stimuli, thus permitting the comparison of detected with undetected stimuli. Results showed that detected warm stimuli significantly activated SI and SII. It is also possible to draw insight regarding which cortical regions subserve somatosensory processing and its organization by clinical assessment of amputee patients, who demonstrate altered somatosensation. To date, few studies have explored the relationship between referred sensations to the phantom and cortical reorganization. In Chapter 5 we hypothesized that referred sensations to phantom limbs are a perceptual correlates of a somatotopic reorganization of sensory representations. Derangements in referred sensations can give clues to the regions involved in referred sensations genesis. Thus, a quantitative sensory testing protocol was administered to a group of phantom-limb pain patients. Results showed that, contrary to previous reports, referred sensations to the phantom differed greatly based on the type and intensity of the tactile stimuli applied to the body, with no evidence of a spatially localized pattern. Previous reports of referred sensations have solely focused on plastic changes in SI. However, the present results suggest that other cortical regions with bilateral receptive fields also undergo reorganizational changes in response to deafferentation. These studies present an emerging picture of the cortical regions involved in the perception of somatosensory stimuli, which include SI and SII, as well as the insula. Findings are relevant to our understanding of the neural correlates of conscious perception of somatosensation and the formation of the mental representation of stimuli applied to the body

    The role of the insula in speech and language processing

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    Lesion and neuroimaging studies indicate that the insula mediates motor aspects of speech production, specifically, articulatory control. Although it has direct connections to Broca\u27s area, the canonical speech production region, the insula is also broadly connected with other speech and language centres, and may play a role in coordinating higher-order cognitive aspects of speech and language production. The extent of the insula\u27s involvement in speech and language processing was assessed using the Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) method. Meta-analyses of 42 fMRI studies with healthy adults were performed, comparing insula activation during performance of language (expressive and receptive) and speech (production and perception) tasks. Both tasks activated bilateral anterior insulae. However, speech perception tasks preferentially activated the left dorsal mid-insula, whereas expressive language tasks activated left ventral mid-insula. Results suggest distinct regions of the mid-insula play different roles in speech and language processing. © 2014 Elsevier Inc

    The centre of the brain: Topographical model of motor, cognitive, affective, and somatosensory functions of the basal ganglia

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    The basal ganglia have traditionally been viewed as motor processing nuclei; however, functional neuroimaging evidence has implicated these structures in more complex cognitive and affective processes that are fundamental for a range of human activities. Using quantitative meta-analysis methods we assessed the functional subdivisions of basal ganglia nuclei in relation to motor (body and eye movements), cognitive (working-memory and executive), affective (emotion and reward) and somatosensory functions in healthy participants. We document affective processes in the anterior parts of the caudate head with the most overlap within the left hemisphere. Cognitive processes showed the most widespread response, whereas motor processes occupied more central structures. On the basis of these demonstrated functional roles of the basal ganglia, we provide a new comprehensive topographical model of these nuclei and insight into how they are linked to a wide range of behaviors.© 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Peer victimization and the association with hippocampal development and working memory in children with ADHD and typically-developing children

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    The symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention displayed by children with ADHD put them at risk of experiencing peer victimization. Hippocampal maturation, may reduce a child’s vulnerability to the experience of peer victimization, as it has been associated with decreased ADHD symptomatology. Working memory is an important executive function in the formation and maintenance of social relationships, which is often impaired in ADHD. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between problem behaviours, peer victimization, hippocampal morphology, and working memory in children with and without ADHD. 218 typically-developing participants (50.5% male) and 232 participants diagnosed with ADHD (77.6% male) were recruited. The ADHD group was subdivided into inattentive (ADHD-I) or combined (ADHD-C) types. The Child Behavior Checklist measured problem behaviours and peer victimization. Children underwent Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Hippocampal subfield volumes were obtained using FreeSurfer. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-fifth edition measured working memory (WM). The ADHD-C group displayed significantly higher levels of problem behaviours and peer victimization (all, p \u3c 0.001), compared to the other groups. Left Cornu Ammonis 3 (CA3) volume was a positive predictor of peer victimization (all, p \u3c 0.013). Left CA3 volume was a positive predictor of WM and left Cornu Ammonis 4 (CA4) volume negatively predicted WM (all, p \u3c 0.025). A cluster analysis revealed that children displaying symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are the most at risk for peer victimization. Interventions focusing on minimizing peer victimization may aid in mitigating adverse downstream effects, and assist in promoting brain health and cognitive function

    Sensory Function and Psychological Factors in Children With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1

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    Objective: To assess thermal-sensory thresholds and psychosocial factors in children with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1 (CRPS-I) compared to healthy children. Methods: We conducted quantitative sensory testing on 34 children with CRPS-I and 56 pain-free children. Warm, cool, heat, and cold stimuli were applied to the forearm. Children with CRPS-I had the protocol administered to the pain site and the contralateral-pain site. Participants completed the self-report Behavior Assessment System for Children. Results: Longer pain durations (\u3e5.1 months) were associated with decreased sensitivity to cold pain on the pain site (P =.04). Higher pain-intensity ratings were associated with elevated anxiety scores (P =.03). Anxiety and social stress were associated with warmth sensitivity (both P \u3c.05) on the contralateral-pain site. Conclusions: Pain duration is an important factor in assessing pediatric CRPS-I. Hyposensitivity in the affected limb may emerge due to degeneration of nociceptive nerves. Anxiety may contribute to thermal-sensory perception in childhood CRPS-I

    School\u27s out: Parenting stress and screen time use in school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of children abruptly moved to online schooling, which required high levels of parental involvement. Family routines were disrupted, potentially increasing parental stress, and may be reflected in greater media screen time use in children. Objectives To determine whether (1) parenting styles and (2) parenting stress were associated with children\u27s screen time use during the pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. Methods Parents (\u3e 18 years of age) were recruited to complete an online survey regarding changes in their children\u27s (6–12 years) screen time use and daily activities before and during the pandemic. Stress and parental involvement were assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Alabama Parenting Questionnaires respectively. General linear models assessed whether parenting style and parent stress were associated with children\u27s screen time during the pandemic, adjusting for demographic variables and daily activities. Results 104 parents were enrolled, and 73 (70.2%) parents completed the surveys. Children\u27s screen time (e.g., watching television and playing video games) increased significantly, from 2.6 to 5.9h a day (p =.001) during pandemic-related school closures. Fewer changes in children\u27s screen time use were significantly associated with greater parental involvement (p =.017). Parent stress (p =.018) significantly predicted children\u27s screen time use. Lower household income was associated with increased hours of screen time in both models (both, p \u3c.05). Conclusions: Children\u27s screen time increased significantly during the initial months of the pandemic. Parent stress and parenting styles may be modifiable risk factors to promote children\u27s well-being during the ongoing pandemic

    A Transdiagnostic Examination of Cognitive Heterogeneity in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) demonstrate extensive cognitive heterogeneity that is not adequately captured by traditional diagnostic systems. Using a transdiagnostic approach, a retrospective cohort study of cognitive functioning was conducted with a large heterogenous sample (n = 1529) of children and adolescents 7 to 18 years of age with NDDs. Measures of short-term memory, verbal ability, and reasoning were administered to participants with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), comorbid ADHD/ASD, and typically developing (TD) participants using a 12-item web-based neurocognitive testing battery. Unsupervised machine learning techniques were implemented to create a self-organizing map (SOM), an artificial neural network, in conjunction with k-means clustering algorithms to identify data-driven subgroups. Six clusters representing different cognitive profiles were identified, including participants with varying degrees of cognitive impairment. Diagnostic status did not correspond with cluster-membership, providing evidence for the application of transdiagnostic approaches to understanding cognitive heterogeneity in children and adolescents with NDDs. Additionally, the findings suggest that many TD participants may have undiagnosed learning difficulties, emphasizing the need for accessible cognitive assessment tools in school-based settings
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